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Kyle Eastwood - Eastwood Symphonic

Ajouté le 10/09/2023 - 15:56
Kyle Eastwood - Eastwood Symphonic

Genre : Jazz

Type : Albums

Nombre de pistes : 12

Label : N/A

1. Kyle Eastwood - Letters from Iwo Jima "Main Theme"[07:49]
2. Kyle Eastwood - Magnum Force "Main Theme"[03:42]
3. Clint Eastwood - Eastwood Overture [04:15]
4. Kyle Eastwood - Eiger Sanction "Main Theme" [08:29]
5. Clint Eastwood - Unforgiven "Claudia's Theme" [03:54]
6. Clint Eastwood - Changeling "Main Theme" [07:07]
7. Kyle Eastwood - Dirty Harry "Main Theme" [07:19]
8. Clint Eastwood - Gran Torino "Main Theme"[05:11]
9. Kyle Eastwood - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly "Main Theme"[07:32]
10. Clint Eastwood - Bridges of Madison County "Doe Eyes Theme"[05:37]
11. Clint Eastwood - Flags of Our Fathers "Main Theme"[07:52]
12. Kyle Eastwood - A Fistful of Dollars "Main Theme" [06:10]

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